CONCERN's Signature Event 2024
Midnight at the Masquerade Murder Mystery Dinner
The rustle of silks and feathers under muted conversation was probably the last thing heard by the tragically and unexpectedly deceased at the Billionaire’s Club Annual Masquerade Ball. With a mystery under each feathery façade, unmasking the killer may be quite a challenge.
October 25 | 5:30-9:30 p.m. | Fox Rose Farm | 965 Park Road, Blandon, PA 19510
Program Agenda
5:30 pm -6:30 pm -Registration & Networking: Mug Shot Station Photos, Raffles, Billionaire Dollars, and Clue Gathering
6:00 Buffet Opens
6:55 pm Welcome
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Show peformed by the Murder Mystery Company
9:00 pm - 9:30 Program and Raffle Winners Announced
Billionaire Dollars
Billionaire dollars are play money that can be exchanged for valuable information from any suspect. If guests need help, example questions are provided on the back of each dollar for inspiration. These can be used with any suspect, not just the actors.
$1 Clue = $1
$5 Clue = $5
$10 Clue- $10
$100 Clue = $30
Bundle one of each - $40